roboptim::Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> > Class Template Reference

#include <roboptim/core/problem.hh>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef boost::mpl::vector constraintsList_t
typedef F function_t
 Function type.
typedef function_t::value_type value_type
typedef function_t::vector_t vector_t
 Vector type.
typedef function_t::argument_t argument_t
 Argument type.
typedef function_t::size_type size_type
 Size type.
typedef boost::optional
< argument_t
 Optional vector defines a starting point.
typedef function_t::interval_t interval_t
typedef function_t::intervals_t intervals_t
typedef std::vector< value_typescaling_t
 Scaling vector.
typedef scaling_t scales_t ROBOPTIM_CORE_DEPRECATED
 Scaling vector (deprecated typedef).
typedef function_t::names_t names_t
 Vector of names (e.g. for arguments).

Public Member Functions

std::ostream & print (std::ostream &o) const
 Display the problem on the specified output stream.
Constructors and destructors.
 Problem (const function_t &)
 Problem (const Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> > &)
 Copy constructor.
template<typename F_ >
 Problem (const Problem< F_, boost::mpl::vector<> > &)
 Copy constructor (convert from another class of problem).
virtual ~Problem ()
 Virtual destructor.
Cost function.
const function_tfunction () const
 Retrieve cost function.
intervals_targumentBounds ()
 Retrieve arguments bounds.
const intervals_targumentBounds () const
 Retrieve arguments bounds.
scaling_targumentScaling ()
 Retrieve arguments scaling.
const scaling_targumentScaling () const
 Retrieve arguments scaling.
scales_t & argumentScales () ROBOPTIM_CORE_DEPRECATED
 Retrieve arguments scaling (deprecated version).
const scales_t & argumentScales () const ROBOPTIM_CORE_DEPRECATED
 Retrieve arguments scaling (deprecated version).
names_targumentNames ()
 Retrieve arguments names.
const names_targumentNames () const
 Retrieve arguments names.
Starting point (initial guess).
startingPoint_tstartingPoint ()
 Set the initial guess.
const startingPoint_tstartingPoint () const
 Get the initial guess.


class Problem

template<typename F>
class roboptim::Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> >

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