structured-input.hh File Reference
#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <roboptim/core/fwd.hh>
#include <roboptim/core/detail/structured-input.hxx>


struct  roboptim::detail::BlockProvider
 Gives access to a std::vector of std::pair<size_t, size_t> representing blocks of input Those blocks are needed even if the function is not differentiable, making it easier for us to define it in a exterior class to then use it transparently. More...
struct  roboptim::detail::StructuredInputJacobianInternal< FuncType, MatType >
 This class gives access to the getJacobianBlock() method, whose implementation is to be specialized according to the type of matrix handled by the function. More...
struct  roboptim::detail::StructuredInputJacobianInternal< FuncType, roboptim::EigenMatrixDense >
 DenseMatrix specialization of the getJacobianBlock() method provider. More...
struct  roboptim::detail::StructuredInputJacobianInternal< FuncType, roboptim::EigenMatrixSparse >
 SparseMatrix specialization of the getJacobianBlock() method provider. More...
class  roboptim::detail::StructuredInput< FuncType >
 Provides utility methods to describe the input format of a function. More...


namespace  roboptim


namespace  roboptim::detail
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