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Example shows FreeTimeTrajectory use.

// Copyright (C) 2009 by Thomas Moulard, AIST, CNRS, INRIA.
// This file is part of the roboptim.
// roboptim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// roboptim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with roboptim. If not, see <>.
#include "shared-tests/fixture.hh"
#include "shared-tests/util.hh"
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <roboptim/core/io.hh>
#include <roboptim/core/solver-factory.hh>
#include <roboptim/core/visualization/gnuplot.hh>
#include <roboptim/core/visualization/gnuplot-commands.hh>
#include <roboptim/core/visualization/gnuplot-function.hh>
using namespace roboptim;
using namespace roboptim::trajectory;
using namespace roboptim::visualization;
using namespace roboptim::visualization::gnuplot;
using namespace roboptim::trajectory::visualization::gnuplot;
// Solver type different from the test suite's solver_t
typedef Solver<EigenMatrixDense> test_solver_t;
typedef CubicBSpline spline_t;
typedef test_solver_t::problem_t::constraints_t constraint_t;
typedef FreeTimeTrajectory<spline_t> freeTime_t;
typedef spline_t::size_type size_type;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd matrix_t;
// Limited data => use full precision serialization
typedef matrix_t store_t;
// Problem parameters.
const unsigned nControlPoints = 6;
const unsigned nConstraintsPerCtrlPts = 5;
const double vMax = 85.;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE (trajectory, TestSuiteConfiguration)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (trajectory_spline_time_optimization)
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::assign;
// Fix clash with std::set
using roboptim::visualization::gnuplot::set;
output = retrievePattern ("spline-time-optimization");
size_type row_iter = 0;
matrix_t reference = readMatrix<store_t> ("spline-time-optimization.dat");
if (reference.size () == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error
("failed to open file \"spline-time-optimization.dat\"");
double tol = 5e-5;
const double finalPos = 200.;
spline_t::vector_t params (nControlPoints);
params[0] = 0;
params[1] = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nControlPoints-4; ++i)
params[i+2] = finalPos / (nControlPoints - 5) * i;
params[nControlPoints-2] = finalPos;
params[nControlPoints-1] = finalPos;
// Make trajectories.
spline_t::interval_t timeRange = spline_t::makeInterval (0., 4.);
spline_t spline (timeRange, 1, params, "before");
freeTime_t freeTimeTraj (spline, 1.);
// Define cost.
Function::matrix_t a (1, freeTimeTraj.parameters ().size ());
a.setZero ();
a (0, 0) = -1.;
Function::vector_t b (1);
b.setZero ();
boost::shared_ptr<roboptim::NumericLinearFunction> cost
(new roboptim::NumericLinearFunction (a, b));
// Create problem.
test_solver_t::problem_t problem (cost);
problem.startingPoint () = freeTimeTraj.parameters ();
// Scale has to remain positive.
problem.argumentBounds ()[0] = Function::makeLowerInterval (0.);
const freeTime_t::vector_t freeTimeParams = freeTimeTraj.parameters ();
spline.freezeCurveStart (problem, 1);
spline.freezeCurveEnd (problem, 1);
Function::interval_t vRange = Function::makeUpperInterval (.5 * vMax * vMax);
(freeTimeTraj, problem, vRange, nControlPoints * nConstraintsPerCtrlPts);
Gnuplot gnuplot = Gnuplot::make_interactive_gnuplot ();
<< set ("multiplot layout 1,2 title "
"'variation of speed before and after optimization'")
<< set ("grid");
gnuplot << plot_limitSpeed (freeTimeTraj, vMax);
SolverFactory<test_solver_t> factory (TESTSUITE_SOLVER, problem);
test_solver_t& solver = factory ();
(*output) << solver;
// Ipopt-specific parameters
// WARNING: these parameters may not be relevant! These are only set to
// prevent hour-long unit testing...
solver.parameters()["ipopt.linear_solver"].value = std::string(IPOPT_LINEAR_SOLVER);
solver.parameters()["ipopt.tol"].value = 1e-3;
solver.parameters()["ipopt.acceptable_tol"].value = 5e-2;
solver.parameters()["ipopt.mu_strategy"].value = std::string("adaptive");
test_solver_t::result_t res = solver.minimum ();
std::cerr << res << std::endl;
FreeTimeTrajectory<spline_t> optimizedTrajectory =
switch (solver.minimumType ())
// TODO: use visitor
case GenericSolver::SOLVER_VALUE_WARNINGS:
case GenericSolver::SOLVER_VALUE:
const Result& result = solver.getMinimum<Result> ();
optimizedTrajectory.setParameters (result.x);
case GenericSolver::SOLVER_NO_SOLUTION:
case GenericSolver::SOLVER_ERROR:
gnuplot << plot_limitSpeed (optimizedTrajectory, vMax);
// Do not embed Gnuplot data for comparison because of numerical
// differences
std::cout << (gnuplot << unset ("multiplot"));
std::cout << output->str () << std::endl;
BOOST_CHECK (output->match_pattern ());
// Loop over the interval of definition
double eval_step = 0.01;
size_type n_eval = static_cast<size_type> (std::floor ((timeRange.second - timeRange.first)/eval_step)+1);
matrix_t eval_data (n_eval, 2);
eval_data.setZero ();
for (double t = timeRange.first; t < timeRange.second;
t += eval_step)
double res = optimizedTrajectory (t)[0];
BOOST_CHECK_SMALL (t - reference (row_iter, 0), tol);
BOOST_CHECK_SMALL (res - reference (row_iter, 1), tol);
eval_data.row (row_iter) << t, res;
// Generate the archive
// FIXME: remove the Boost serialization library version from the dat before
// committing. For example:
// Before: 22 serialization::archive 14 0 0 401 2 ...
// After: 22 serialization::archive 0 0 0 401 2 ...
// Not doing this leads to exceptions thrown with older versions of Boost
// even though they are supposed to be compatible:
// boost::archive::archive_exception: unsupported version
// See:
//writeMatrix<matrix_t> ("spline-time-optimization.dat", eval_data);
// Compare data
BOOST_CHECK (allclose (eval_data, reference, tol));