roboptim Namespace Reference

Meta-functions, functions and solver-related classes. More...


namespace  callback
namespace  detail
namespace  fg
namespace  finiteDifferenceGradientPolicies

Contains finite difference gradients policies.

namespace  visualization

Graphical visualization.


class  LRUCache
 LRU (Least Recently Used) cache. More...
class  DerivableParametrizedFunction
 Parametrized function with parameter derivative available. More...
struct  derivativeSize< GenericFunction< T > >
struct  derivativeSize< GenericDifferentiableFunction< T > >
struct  derivativeSize< GenericTwiceDifferentiableFunction< T > >
struct  derivativeSize< NTimesDerivableFunction< N > >
class  GenericDifferentiableFunction
 Define an abstract derivable function ( $C^1$). More...
class  Bind
 Bind some function input to a constant value. More...
class  CachedFunction
 Store previous function computation. More...
class  Chain
 Chain two RobOptim functions. More...
class  Concatenate
 Concatenate the output of two functions. More...
class  Derivative
 Return the derivative of a function w.r.t. More...
class  Map
 Apply a function several times to an input vector. More...
class  Minus
 Subtract two RobOptim functions. More...
class  Plus
 Sum two RobOptim functions. More...
class  Product
 Product of two RobOptim functions. More...
class  Scalar
 Multiply by a constant scalar value. More...
class  SelectionById
 Select part of a function. More...
class  Selection
 Select a block of a function's output. More...
class  Split
 Select an element of a function's output. More...
class  BadGradient
 Exception thrown when a gradient check fails. More...
class  BadJacobian
 Exception thrown when a Jacobian check fails. More...
class  GenericFiniteDifferenceGradient
 Compute automatically a gradient with finite differences. More...
class  GenericConstantFunction
 Constant function. More...
class  Cos
 Cos function. More...
class  GenericIdentityFunction
 Identity function. More...
class  Polynomial
 Polynomial function. More...
class  Sin
 Sin function. More...
class  FunctionPool
 A pool of functions that will be processed together. More...
struct  GenericFunctionTraits
 GenericFunction traits. More...
class  GenericFunction
 Define an abstract mathematical function ( $C^0$). More...
struct  GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixDense >
 Trait specializing GenericFunction for Eigen dense matrices. More...
struct  GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixSparse >
 Trait specializing GenericFunction for Eigen sparse matrices. More...
class  NoSolution
 Tag a result if no solution has been found. More...
struct  EigenMatrixDense
 Tag type for functions using Eigen dense matrices. More...
struct  EigenMatrixSparse
 Tag type for functions using Eigen sparse matrices. More...
class  GenericSolver
 Abstract interface satisfied by all solvers. More...
class  GenericLinearFunction
 Define an abstract linear function. More...
class  NTimesDerivableFunction< 2 >
 Explicit specialization for the stop case of NTimesDerivable class. More...
class  NTimesDerivableFunction
 Define a $\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$ function, derivable n times ( $n \geq 2$). More...
class  GenericNumericLinearFunction
 Build a linear function from a vector and a matrix. More...
class  GenericNumericQuadraticFunction
 Build a quadratic function from a matrix and a vector. More...
class  OptimizationLogger
 Log the optimization process (values, Jacobians, time taken etc.). More...
class  ParametrizedFunction
 Define an abstract parametrized mathematical function ( $C^0$). More...
class  GenericDummySolverLastState
 Dummy solver which always fails, but returns the last state of the solver. More...
class  DummySolverTd
 Dummy solver which always fails. More...
class  DummySolver
 Dummy solver which always fails. More...
class  Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> >
class  Problem
class  GenericQuadraticFunction
 Define an abstract quadratic function. More...
class  ResultWithWarnings
 Represents the solution of an optimization problem when errors occurred during the solving process. More...
class  Result
 Represents the solution of an optimization problem. More...
class  SolverError
 Base exception class for solving errors. More...
class  SolverFactory
 Define a solver factory that instanciate the plug-ins. More...
struct  StateParameter
 Solver state parameters type. More...
class  SolverState
 State of the solver. More...
class  SolverWarning
 Exception used for non-critical errors during optimization. More...
struct  Parameter
 Parameters type. More...
class  Solver
 Solver for a specific problem class. More...
class  GenericSumOfC1Squares
 Generic sum of the squares of differentiable functions. More...
class  GenericTwiceDifferentiableFunction
 Define an abstract function which is twice-derivable ( $C^2$). More...


typedef DifferentiableFunction DerivableFunction
 Legacy name of TwiceDifferentiableFunction.
 Legacy name of TwiceDifferentiableSparseFunction.
typedef GenericFunction
< EigenMatrixDense
 Dense function.
typedef GenericFunction
< EigenMatrixSparse
 Sparse function.
< EigenMatrixDense
 Dense differentiable function.
< EigenMatrixSparse
 Sparse differentiable function.
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixSparse
typedef GenericLinearFunction
< EigenMatrixDense
typedef GenericLinearFunction
< EigenMatrixSparse
< EigenMatrixDense
< EigenMatrixSparse
< Function
< DifferentiableSparseFunction
typedef GenericSumOfC1Squares
< EigenMatrixDense
 Sum of the squares of dense differentiable functions.
typedef GenericSumOfC1Squares
< EigenMatrixSparse
 Sum of the squares of sparse differentiable functions.
typedef TwiceDifferentiableFunction TwiceDerivableFunction
 Legacy name of DifferentiableFunction.


template<typename K , typename V >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const LRUCache< K, V > &cache)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Bind< U > > bind (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, const typename Bind< U >::boundValues_t &boundValues)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Chain< U, V > > chain (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
 Chain two RobOptim functions.
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Concatenate
< typename
detail::PromoteTrait< U, V >
::T_promote > > 
concatenate (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Derivative
< U > > 
derivative (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, typename Derivative< U >::size_type variableId=0)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Map< U > > map (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, typename U::size_type repeat)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Minus< U, V > > minus (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Minus< U, V > > operator- (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Plus< U, V > > plus (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Plus< U, V > > operator+ (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Product< U,
V > > 
product (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U , typename V >
boost::shared_ptr< Product< U,
V > > 
operator* (boost::shared_ptr< U > left, boost::shared_ptr< V > right)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Scalar< U > > scalar (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, typename Scalar< U >::size_type start=0, typename Scalar< U >::size_type size=1)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Scalar< U > > operator* (typename Scalar< U >::value_type scalar, boost::shared_ptr< U > origin)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Scalar< U > > operator* (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, typename Scalar< U >::value_type scalar)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< U > operator+ (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Scalar< U > > operator- (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin)
template<typename U >
< SelectionById< U > > 
selectionById (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, std::vector< bool > selector)
template<typename U >
boost::shared_ptr< Selection< U > > selection (boost::shared_ptr< U > origin, typename Selection< U >::size_type start=0, typename Selection< U >::size_type size=1)
template<typename P , typename C >
void addNonScalarConstraint (P &problem, boost::shared_ptr< C > constraint, std::vector< Function::interval_t > interval, std::vector< Function::value_type > scale=std::vector< Function::value_type >())
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const BadGradient< T > &f)
 Override operator<< to handle exception display.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const BadJacobian< T > &f)
 Override operator<< to handle exception display.
template<typename T >
bool checkGradient (const GenericDifferentiableFunction< T > &function, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::size_type functionId, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::const_argument_ref x, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::value_type threshold=finiteDifferenceThreshold)
 Check if a gradient is valid.
template<typename T >
void checkGradientAndThrow (const GenericDifferentiableFunction< T > &function, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::size_type functionId, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::const_argument_ref x, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::value_type threshold=finiteDifferenceThreshold) throw (BadGradient<T>)
template<typename T >
bool checkJacobian (const GenericDifferentiableFunction< T > &function, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::const_argument_ref x, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::value_type threshold=finiteDifferenceThreshold)
 Check if a Jacobian is valid.
template<typename T >
void checkJacobianAndThrow (const GenericDifferentiableFunction< T > &function, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::const_argument_ref x, typename GenericDifferentiableFunction< T >::value_type threshold=finiteDifferenceThreshold) throw (BadJacobian<T>)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const GenericFunction< T > &f)
 Override operator<< to handle function display.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const GenericSolver &gs)
 Override operator<< to handle solver display.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const NoSolution &ns)
 Override operator<< to display ``no solution'' objects.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI long int & indent (std::ostream &o)
 The current indentation level for o.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & incindent (std::ostream &o)
 Increment the indentation.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & decindent (std::ostream &o)
 Decrement the indentation.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & resetindent (std::ostream &o)
 Reset the indentation.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & iendl (std::ostream &o)
 Print an end of line, then set the indentation.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & incendl (std::ostream &o)
 Increment the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & decendl (std::ostream &o)
 Decrement the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
template<typename F >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const ParametrizedFunction< F > &f)
 Override operator<< to handle function display.
template<typename F >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> > &pb)
 Override operator<< to handle problem display.
template<typename F , typename CLIST >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Problem< F, CLIST > &pb)
 Override operator<< to handle problem display.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Result &r)
 Override operator<< to handle result display.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const SolverError &e)
 Override operator<< to handle error display.
template<typename T >
T * unionCast (void *ptr)
const std::string demangle (const char *name)
template<typename F >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const StateParameter< F > &parameter)
 Override operator<< to display ``parameters'' objects.
template<typename P >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const SolverState< P > &state)
 Override operator<< to display ``parameters'' objects.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Parameter &parameter)
 Override operator<< to display ``parameters'' objects.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const std::vector< T > &)
 Display a vector.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const std::pair< T1, T2 > &)
 Display a pair.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const std::map< T1, T2 > &)
 Display a map.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Eigen::MatrixBase< T > &)
 Display an Eigen object with the appropriate IOFormat.
< EigenMatrixDense >::matrix_t 
sparse_to_dense (GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixSparse >::const_matrix_ref m)
 Convert a sparse matrix into a dense matrix.
< EigenMatrixDense >::vector_t 
sparse_to_dense (GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixSparse >::const_gradient_ref v)
 Convert a sparse vector into a dense vector.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI bool allclose (const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &a, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &b, double rtol=Eigen::NumTraits< double >::dummy_precision(), double atol=Eigen::NumTraits< double >::epsilon())
 Compare sparse vectors (matrices) using both relative and absolute tolerances.
ROBOPTIM_DLLAPI bool allclose (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &a, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &b, double rtol=Eigen::NumTraits< double >::dummy_precision(), double atol=Eigen::NumTraits< double >::epsilon())
 Compare dense vectors (matrices) using both relative and absolute tolerances.
template<typename U >
void copySparseBlock (U &matrix, const U &block, Function::size_type startRow, Function::size_type startCol, bool compress=false)
 Copy a sparse block into a sparse matrix.


static const double finiteDifferenceThreshold = 1e-4
 Default threshold for checkGradient.
static const double finiteDifferenceEpsilon = 1e-8
 Default epsilon for finite difference class.

Detailed Description

Meta-functions, functions and solver-related classes.

Typedef Documentation

Legacy name of TwiceDifferentiableFunction.

Legacy name of TwiceDifferentiableSparseFunction.

Legacy name of DifferentiableFunction.

Function Documentation

bool roboptim::allclose ( const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &  a,
const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &  b,
double  rtol = Eigen::NumTraits<double>::dummy_precision (),
double  atol = Eigen::NumTraits<double>::epsilon () 

Compare sparse vectors (matrices) using both relative and absolute tolerances.

See also:
Examples:, and

Referenced by checkGradient(), and checkJacobian().

bool roboptim::allclose ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &  a,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &  b,
double  rtol = Eigen::NumTraits<double>::dummy_precision (),
double  atol = Eigen::NumTraits<double>::epsilon () 

Compare dense vectors (matrices) using both relative and absolute tolerances.

See also:
template<typename U >
void roboptim::copySparseBlock ( U &  matrix,
const U &  block,
Function::size_type  startRow,
Function::size_type  startCol,
bool  compress = false 

Copy a sparse block into a sparse matrix.

matrixmatrix to fill.
blockblock to copy.
startRowstart row of the block.
startColstart col of the block.
compresswhether to compress the sparse matrix at the end.
std::ostream & roboptim::decendl ( std::ostream &  o)

Decrement the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.

References decindent(), and iendl().

const std::string roboptim::demangle ( const char *  name) [inline]
std::ostream & roboptim::incendl ( std::ostream &  o)

Increment the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.

References iendl(), and incindent().

Referenced by roboptim::Problem< F, boost::mpl::vector<> >::print(), and roboptim::Problem< F, CLIST >::print().

template<typename T >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const std::vector< T > &  vect 

Display a vector.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const std::pair< T1, T2 > &  p 

Display a pair.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const std::map< T1, T2 > &  m 

Display a map.

template<typename T >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< T > &  matrix 

Display an Eigen object with the appropriate IOFormat.

template<typename T >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const BadGradient< T > &  f 

Override operator<< to handle exception display.

ooutput stream used for display
ffunction to be displayed
output stream
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Result &  r 

Override operator<< to handle result display.

ooutput stream used for display
rresult to be displayed
output stream

References roboptim::Result::print().

std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const SolverError &  e 

Override operator<< to handle error display.

ooutput stream used for display
eerror to be displayed
output stream

References roboptim::SolverError::print().

template<typename K , typename V >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const LRUCache< K, V > &  cache 
template<typename T >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const BadJacobian< T > &  f 

Override operator<< to handle exception display.

ooutput stream used for display
ffunction to be displayed
output stream
template<typename F >
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const ParametrizedFunction< F > &  f 

Override operator<< to handle function display.

ooutput stream used for display
ffunction to be displayed
output stream
std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const GenericSolver &  gs 

Override operator<< to handle solver display.

ooutput stream used for display
gssolver to be displayed
output stream

References roboptim::GenericSolver::print().

std::ostream & roboptim::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const NoSolution &  ns 

Override operator<< to display ``no solution'' objects.

ooutput stream used for display
nsNoSolution object, ignored
output stream
std::ostream & roboptim::resetindent ( std::ostream &  o)

Reset the indentation.

References indent().

GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixDense >::matrix_t roboptim::sparse_to_dense ( GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixSparse >::const_matrix_ref  m)

Convert a sparse matrix into a dense matrix.

GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixDense >::vector_t roboptim::sparse_to_dense ( GenericFunctionTraits< EigenMatrixSparse >::const_gradient_ref  v)

Convert a sparse vector into a dense vector.

template<typename T >
T* roboptim::unionCast ( void *  ptr)

Variable Documentation

const double roboptim::finiteDifferenceEpsilon = 1e-8 [static]

Default epsilon for finite difference class.

const double roboptim::finiteDifferenceThreshold = 1e-4 [static]

Default threshold for checkGradient.

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